Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar took pride in inviting Col Anurag Shukla, Sena Medal, on 10 November 2022 to School for an insightful session with the students of Classes X, XI and XII. This was organised as part of the CBSE Veergatha 2.0 project.
Col Shukla engaged the students by sharing his life’s experiences from training academy to operations and field. Students were intrigued to learn about how an ambush is planned, how decision making, discipline and other skills are inculcated besides the intensive mental and physical training in the training of every officer of the Armed Forces. Students asked many questions related to joining the forces, the qualities an officer requires to excel and more about life in the forces.
Col Shukla engaged the students by sharing his life’s experiences from training academy to operations and field. Students were intrigued to learn about how an ambush is planned, how decision making, discipline and other skills are inculcated besides the intensive mental and physical training in the training of every officer of the Armed Forces. Students asked many questions related to joining the forces, the qualities an officer requires to excel and more about life in the forces.
Col Shukhla’s journey and his deep love for the nation was truly impressive. He has certainly motivated many students to join the Forces.