Understanding Yourself ; Sex Education Workshop For Class VI

Growing up involves coming to terms with oneself, understanding one’s body, handling the emotional ups and downs of physical and emotional changes, friendships and relationships.  The students of Class VI were introduced to some of these sensitive issues in an intensive session conducted by members of the NGO Pratisandhi on 20 January 2024.

The first session focused on introducing the basics of male and female anatomy. and the changes during puberty, laying the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of human development. Students were provided with age-appropriate information addressing any misconceptions. The session aimed to eliminate stigma and promote open communication about reproductive health.

The second session delved into the emotional aspects, helping students understand the correlation between physical and emotional changes, emphasizing the normalcy of experiencing a range of emotions during adolescence. Coping mechanisms were discussed to ssure, a comempower students to manage these changes effectively. Peer premon challenge, was addressed to equip students with the skills to make informed decisions and resist negative influences.

The sessions encouraged open dialogue and active participation, creating a safe space for students to share their concerns and ask questions.