On 16 October 2024, the young minds of Class III showcased their brilliance in the highly engaging ‘Think Tank Trivia’ intraclass quiz competition. The event, focused on general knowledge, fostered a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition. Students enthusiastically participated in a series of fun and challenging questions, promoting teamwork and critical thinking. The quiz not only tested their knowledge on various topics but also encouraged peer interaction in an atmosphere buzzing with excitement.
First | Arush Priyam | III A |
First | Nimit Gautam | III B |
First | Yuvaan Sehgal | III C |
Second | Ritaja Dasgupta | III A |
Second | Samarth Rawat | III B |
Second | Zara Dhall | III C |
Third | Tejasveer Singh Lamba | III A |
Third | Avyaan Pareek | III B |
Third | Abhiraj Khetarpal | III C |