The Heroes (Role Play)–An Intra Class Competition for Classes  I  (August 2023)

Class I rocked the Intra-Class ‘The Heroes (Role Play) Competition’ on 28 August 2023. We witnessed the creativity and passion of our students as they embodied ‘The Young Changemakers of the World’. They donned the roles of inspiring figures like Param Jaggi, Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg and more, bringing their stories to life! The participants went the extra mile with their costumes and props, earning those well-deserved extra credit points! Let’s continue to be the change we wish to see in the world.


FirstTaksh DoomraI B
SecondAayan WaliaI C
ThirdZia HaqueI A
ThirdDevansh SharmaI B
ConsolationKavleen KaurI C