
Workshop on E- Waste Management by Bajaj Foundation

The most recent United Nation’s data indicates the world generated a staggering 74 million metric tons of e-waste in 2022, and only 17 % of that was recycled. Responsible disposal of e-waste is an absolute must so that we do not further harm the already fragile environment A workshop and awareness session was organised on […]

Skill Clubs Showcase their competencies 

Skill Clubs Showcase their  Competencies In the 21st Century, success depends not only on one’s educational degrees but also on the ability to apply one’s learning to real  life situations.  Students of the various Skill Clubs of the school demonstrated their competencies for the parents during the course of the PTM on 21 October 2023. The […]

Me & My World ( I Speak)– An Intra-Class Competition for class KG (September 2023)

Speaking in front of an audience  helps children build their confidence and gives them an opportunity to develop effective communication skills. ‘Me & My World (I Speak)’, an intra-class competition for students of Kindergarten,  was held on 29 September 2023. The students made effective use of expression and voice modulation and described their selected topic with confidence. […]

Expressing One’s Gender Identity Through Art – Hiten Noonwal Interacts with Students

People who challenge binary social constructions of gender have traditionally faced discrimination and humiliation in society. The Breaking Barriers team has been working very sincerely to create a more inclusive mindset and to sensitise students to the needs of the LGBTQI+ community. As part of this effort, on 16 October 2023, our students had the […]

Breaking Barriers team deliberates on Inclusivity for Transgenders in Our Society

A panel discussion was conducted by Alliance India in Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar on 13 October 2023 with the Breaking Barriers campaign members from both branches of Tagore International School,  i.e Vasant Vihar and East Of Kailash. Mrs Anubhuti is a Project Manager at Alliance India and looking into their new project named SAHAS […]

Hosting Ht Pace G20 Quiz

TIS, VV hosted the online Preliminary Round of HT PACE G20 Quiz 2023, for schools from South Delhi Zone, on 10 October 2023.  48 schools participated with two teams of two participants each from each school. The schools were divided into 3 time slots and the online quiz was conducted in the school’s computer labs. […]

Fiesta Nacional De España – Celebrating Spanish National Day

Spanish National Day was celebrated by students of the Middle School on 12 October 2023. Spain’s National Day commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas and is also sometimes known as Día de la Hispanidad, or Hispanic Day to commemorate Spain and its cultural legacy. The students started with a Spanish – English […]