Lyric League ((English/ Hindi Rhyme Recitation)– An Intra-Class Competition for class Nursery ( May 2024)

Lyric league – The Intra class Poetry Recitation Competition for nursery students in May 2024 saw an enthusiastic response with the young contestants vying with each other to exhibit their confidence and recitation skills. Kids love to play and poetry is all about playing with rhyme rhythm and words. What an excellent way for the little ones to practice their verbal communication skills !



First Ayansh Suri Nursery C
Second Anaisha Nursery A
Third Avdhi Jain Nursery C
Consolation Vidharth  Nursery B


FirstAbheer Singh Nursery B
SecondRidaanNursery B
SecondPareen KaurNursery B
ThirdAnvika KumariNursery C
ConsolationVivaanNursery A