On 9 November 2024, 88 students from Class VIII, accompanied by 10 teachers, attended the remarkable son-et-lumiere show at the Red Fort. This unique sound and light production, against the majestic backdrop of the iconic Nahabat Khana, Diwan –e Aam and Diwan –e Khas, featuring live actors, music and dance combined with state-of-the-art digital art technology, brings India’s history to life in a vivid spectacle. The one-hour show unfolded in three parts, covering iconic episodes, from Shah Jahan’s troubled rule, the rise of the Marathas, the 1857 War of Independence to the struggles of the Indian National Army. Students were captivated by portrayals of the Mughal emperors, and more recent leaders like Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru. The experience concluded with the national anthem, evoking a deep sense of national pride. The immersive show offered students an engaging look at India’s cultural legacy, reinforcing the school’s commitment to learning beyond textbooks.