In the exciting world of scientific exploration, our students recently shone at the ‘Everyday Science’ Contest, brilliantly organized by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell. This unique competition, challenging participants to creatively present science concepts, showcased the students’ ability to unveil the science in their surroundings.
From captivating experiments to engaging presentations, our budding scientists met the challenge head-on, seamlessly blending the spirit of ‘Everyday Science’ with a touch of Bollywood in the realm of Thermodynamics. This journey beautifully highlighted the boundless possibilities that arise at the crossroads of knowledge and imagination.
two outstanding teams, featuring Tanisha and Atharv Gaur, as well as Yasir and Srikrithi, have earned their place in the highly anticipated finale set for February 2024.
We wish them the best of luck on their continued journey to becoming true champions in the field of thermodynamics