Empowering Future Leaders: Debating Skills Session at TISVV

Students of Classes IX and XI benefitted from  an enriching session on ‘Debating Skills’ on 14 October 2024, led by Mr. Advaith Nair from the Indian Debate League. With his extensive expertise, Mr. Nair shared powerful strategies to help students excel in competitive debating. He highlighted key debating techniques, providing valuable tips on structuring arguments, persuasive communication, and effective rebuttals. Through engaging case studies, he illustrated how debating has helped students secure coveted spots at Ivy League universities, showcasing the real-world impact of mastering these skills. The session not only enhanced students’ debating capabilities but also inspired them to explore new academic and career opportunities that debating can offer. This workshop was a step towards nurturing confident speakers and critical thinkers, laying the foundation for success on global platforms.