Disha is an annual event organized by Project Saksham, a student led initative of Tagore International School Vasant Vihar, which aims to sensitize society especially the youth.
In June 2022, over the course of three days, young people who are intellectually challenged, took part in various competitions organized by the volunteers of Project Saksham. These events boost the confidence of such youngsters and give them an opportunity to display their talents. Their art work, music, photography skills, food art and gardening efforts were all much appreciated by the judges and audience.
Certificates of participation and appreciations were given to the participants. We received over 200 entries and all were unique in their own way. The judges commented that it was a tough competition but for them everyone went home a winner. The volunteers (Tishya Chandok, Gurmaan Singh,Vrinda Arora, Saanvi Awasthy,Viniti Sabharwal and Lavanika Nanda and others ) were delighted to see the smiles of their intellectually challenged friends. Disha 5.0 was indeed a special event which once again highlighted the service mindset and social outreach of TIS,VV.