Chinh India Kids Film Festival and Forum is an initiative to celebrate knowledge, ideas and perspectives by involving children in film making and critical appreciation of good cinema, thus inviting them to learn and to think critically. Our students have always participated with great enthusiasm and this year was no exception. Chinh Media festival on animation and film making was organised for the students of Classes IV to XII The resource persons for this workshop were National Award winning filmmaker couple Meenakshi Rai and Vinay Rai. From 2 to 4 May 2024 students had an exciting opportunity to learn about storytelling, visual effects, and production techniques. One group made an animated short film “Fire God” , where they used their own characters, and learnt animation. Another team made a short movie titled ‘The Bomb’, based on the hoax bomb threat recently faced by students in Delhi. ‘Mutant Boy’ was a story of aliens who came to visit our earth. It was an exciting forum where they could collaborate, brainstorm and express themselves through the creative medium of cinema.