Celebrating the Legacy of Ramanujan: National Mathematics Day at TIS,VV

“Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit,” proclaimed mathematician Stefan Banach. In homage to one of India’s greatest mathematicians, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), December 22 is observed as National Mathematics Day in India. Ramanujan, celebrated for his remarkable contributions to mathematics, especially in the theory of numbers, is honored on this day.

To acquaint students with Ramanujan’s life and achievements, engaging videos and talks were presented. Following the informative sessions, students immersed themselves in innovative math-based activities. Class VI students created personal birth date magic squares inspired by Ramanujan’s famous magic square. In Class VII, mathematical concepts were integrated with their recent visit to the Qutub Minar, exploring rotational symmetry, line symmetry, two-dimensional shapes, ratios, and more.

Class VIII students enjoyed a fun-filled group game, “What’s In My Chit?” challenging each other’s math knowledge. Class IX students delved into the mystery of the Möbius Strip, creating interlocked hearts to visualize symmetry in shapes. This celebration was a joyous tribute to Ramanujan, fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty and power of mathematics among our students.