Science Labs
The Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Home Science labs all have the latest equipment required for long-term, practical learning. The Chemistry lab is equipped with micro kits, mini replicas of test tubes and other apparatus. The mini kits reduce the amount of chemicals that are used and reduce the impact on the environment. Every lab has a Wall of Fame with pictures of scientists to encourage the students, and a board where the latest news from the world of science is displayed and then discussed in the class.

Computer Labs
The school has three state of the art technology labs; they are equipped with the latest software and computer hardware, liquid crystal display monitors and white boards. Each lab has 45 computers, ensuring that the student to computer ratio is 1:1. Additionally, the labs house video and digital single-lens reflex cameras to encourage students to partake in artistic pursuits such as movie making and photography.

Social Science Lab
The school’s social science lab houses a plethora of maps and 3-D representations of our planet and its key features, along with interactive smart boards. The lab’s map tracers and sand pit also help students conceptualize their studies in topography and geography.

Language Lab
Students in classes VI, VII and VIII have the option of choosing between French, Spanish and Sanskrit as their 3rd language of study. The language lab is a unique space used primarily for French and Spanish classes. Audio and visual equipment help to expose students to material in the target language for students to understand common phrases, the accent, and the culture. Students watch films and listen to or watch excerpts in the language and then translate what they have seen or heard, which assesses their grasp of the language.

S.P.A.R.K Lab
The SPARK Lab (an acronym that stands for science, programming, art, research and kreativity) evolved from the robotics lab. It houses the school’s four 3D printers and is outfitted with computers with professional CAD & CAM software for design and innovation, new robotics kits, sensors and electronic equipment. The tables are arranged in an S-like arrangement that aids in collaboration and peer-to-peer learning.