Tale Saga – An Intra-Class Competition for class Nursery

The Nursery students showcased their storytelling flair in the “Tale Saga” intra-class competition. The young narrators captivated the audience with their creative storytelling, complete with colourful puppets, expressive gestures, and vibrant costumes. Each child brought their chosen characters to life with impressive voice modulation and engaging presentations. The competition not only boosted their confidence but also enhanced their oratory skills, leaving everyone amazed at the talent displayed by these tiny storytellers.


English Story Telling

FirstAvika AroraNursery A
SecondYuvaan AroraNursery C
ThirdDivija BhardwajNursery A
Third Delenaa RhodeNursery B

Hindi Story Telling


FirstVivaan AgrahariNursery A
SecondSiya AryaNursery C
ThirdManasvi RayNursery A
ConsolationAvika GuptaNursery B
ConsolationGagandeepNursery C