Sanchayan 2023-Annual Creative and Performing Arts Fest

‘Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life’ said Pablo Picasso. Sanchayan – the Primary students’ annual creative and performing arts fest, based on the theme, ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ was presented  by the energetic performers of Classes I-V on December 28 and 29, 2023. It was an extravaganza much appreciated by the audience, with   varied and entertaining items like The Magic Mirror of Unity, The Hilarious Hat Parade, Quest for the Holy Grail, Puppet without Strings and Holka Polka which showcased the talent of the little ones. The intertwining of poems, dances, Indian and Western vocal songs with theatre received resounding applause.  Artwork created by the students during the session  was very creatively exhibited for the parents and  coupled with an indigenous games zone that included games named Arena, Flappy Bird, Catch the Apple and The Jumping Game. Spin the Wheel, a story game, grabbed the attention of many visitors. The parents left with happy smiles on their faces which reflected their joy at seeing their children demonstrating their skills, confidence and artistic prowess.

Pictures of Classes I & II

Pictures of Classes III-V

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