Tell A Tale (Story Telling With Puppets)– An Intra-Class Competition for class KG (November 2023)

Stories create magic and a sense of wonder at the world. Children love to listen to stories and learn about different cultures and imbibe values. Telling stories requires a different set of skills, builds confidence and enhances communication skills. The KG students participated in Tell a Tale – storytelling with puppets competition with their usual enthusiasm. They employed voice modulation and used puppets effectively while narrating their stories. All the stories concluded with a moral and left the audience with something to reflect upon.

Results- English

FirstGian  IromKG A
SecondAdvit  SidanaKG B
ThirdAyaan  BajajKG A
ThirdLeishna  KeisamKG C
ConsolationGautam  Krishna  MKG C

Results- Hindi

FirstPriyanshi S RathoreKG B
SecondGaurav KumarKG B
ThirdGargi SharmaKG C
ThirdVashishth ChauhanKG C
ConsolationYashKG A