Breaking Barriers : Diversity,  Equity and Inclusion Workshop

A three hour session on Diversity  Equity and Inclusion was conducted by renowned activist, Harish Iyer, on 10 May 2023 for the members of the Breaking Barriers Campaign at TIS,VV. Harish Iyer is currently the head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Axis Bank. Harish’s valuable insights and fun references to pop culture kept the students hooked throughout. They appreciated his humour and approachability

The main objectives of the workshop were  to:

  • Raise awareness about the importance of inclusivity and diversity.

  • Encourage open dialogue and create a safe space for students to share their experiences, thoughts, and ideas.

  • Foster empathy, respect, and understanding among students from different backgrounds.

  • Understand why is equitable distribution important for inclusivity 

  • To let students hear real life experiences and take snippets of popular culture to understand and empathize with the problems faced by certain groups of people.

Guest speakers shared their personal experiences and expertise related to inclusivity and diversity. The speakers discussed topics such as racial and ethnic diversity, gender inclusivity, LGBTQ+ rights, disability awareness, and cultural sensitivity. The sessions were informative, engaging, and sparked meaningful conversations among the participants.

Students were divided into small groups to facilitate deeper discussions on various aspects of inclusivity and diversity. This encouraged students to share their perspectives, challenges, and ideas and focused on developing practical strategies to promote inclusivity within the school community.

Students were encouraged  to think out of the box and try to break societal stereotypes. Some amazing ideas emerged from the students, proving that this workshop had successfully  helped children  become  more inclusive. Participants had clearly gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by individuals from different backgrounds and developed empathy towards their peers. The event provided students with a platform to engage in meaningful discussions, develop empathy, and formulate action plans.