Organ Donation Awareness Session at Old Age Home

The team members of Project Outlive Yourself conducted an organ donation awareness session at Arya Mahila Samaj, an old age home in Rajinder Nagar on 4 May 2023 . The aim of the session was to educate and raise awareness about organ donation among the elderly residents of the home under the aegis of our school’s newly launched project, “Outlive Yourself”. The students informed the residents about all the lives they can help save by pledging their organs. They also dispelled several myths and misconceptions regarding the topic. The team from Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar was accompanied by representatives from the National Organ Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO).

The session began with an interactive discussion, where the students had the opportunity to learn about the residents’ daily activities, interests, and concerns. This exchange allowed students  to establish a warm rapport with them and understand their perspective on organ donation.

As an ice breaker, the students organized a game of tambola. The residents took part enthusiastically, enjoying the excitement. All the winners received prizes, such as mugs, glassware, and cutlery. The game not only brought smiles to their faces but also served as a platform to initiate conversations about the importance of healthy living and other issues. The students then sang a variety of Hindi songs together with the senior citizens, reminiscing about old melodies and creating an atmosphere of joy. The familiar tunes struck a chord with the residents, uplifting their spirits and helping everyone to bond. As a visual and dramatic representation of the significance of organ donation, the students of team AWAM performed a short play which advocated a powerful message about leaving a lasting legacy through the noble act of organ donation.

The culmination of the session involved distributing organ donation pledge forms to the residents and explaining the importance of their commitment. Many of the residents filled out the forms, expressing their willingness to contribute to this noble cause.

The awareness session at Aarya Mahila Samaj was a resounding success, spreading this noble message while helping our students learn and grow. They now plan to follow up with the residents and assist those interested in formalizing their organ donation pledges. Additionally, the team  will continue to organize similar sessions to raise awareness and promote organ donation. 

Be a Hero
Be an organ donor