Workshop cum National Level Championship by Vigyantram

A two day workshop cum National Level Competition was organized by Vigyantram for the students of Tagore International on 11 – 12 November 2022. Vigyantram Technology isĀ  an ISO 9001:2015 quality certified and MSME recognized institute providing a comprehensive e-learning platform dedicat ed to developing the state of art learning techniques in the field of engineering and high-end technology. Students of Classes IV-V attended the workshop on Three in One Robotics and students of Classes VI-XII attended the Internet of Things workshop. The youngsters learnt many concepts related to Robotics, from minute details to making a workingng Robotic car! The students were delighted to be able learn all this and the in-house competition which concluded the workshop was thrilling. Some
selected students will soon be taking part in a National Level Championship with other schools in IIT, Bombay